Can somebody tell PwC it is dreaming if it thinks it can micromanage the explanation given by employees who take up its severance programme (“PwC offers template for ‘silent lay-offs’ to say farewell”, Report, June 8).

Perhaps artificial intelligence came up with this strategy because humans know people talk to their colleagues and become close to them. But friends don’t ghost each other and disappear from the workplace without dishing up the gossip on why. Those who quit will no doubt post bland nonsense on LinkedIn. PwC’s explanation will blend in nicely. But work friends will not be taken in by a statement that reads: “It hasn’t been an easy decision for me to reach but now that I have, I am excited about what the future holds for me and the new opportunities on the horizon”. Friends know the truth.

So much better then to take an open approach and be honest with everyone. In my experience when there is a sniff of cuts there’s a high risk that a “them and us” atmosphere will emerge. Trying to gag people is a quick way to create this toxic culture.

Mary McCarthy
Dublin, Ireland

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