Illustration of Rutherford Hall in blue suit and open necked pink shirt holding a mobile phone in front of skyline of office blocks
© Financial Times

Messages from the archive of Rutherford Hall, critical communications strategist

WhatsApp to Stephen: Are you out of your mind? We don’t want to go anywhere near the CBI. We do critical communications not necromancy.  

WhatsApp to Stephen: They were in trouble long before this scandal. This is just the last straw. You can get past the rape allegations — especially if you are the Metropolitan Police. Do you think that’s what really worries these trade bodies? No, the Confederation of British Industry is finished because lots of people hate it and the big members think it’s a waste of money. Seriously, have you ever been to a CBI event? There are lunar craters with more atmosphere.

WhatsApp to Stephen: Also the government’s against it because of Brexit. Anyway I’ve got a better idea.

WhatsApp to Stephen: Yes. I’m hearing a lot of talk about a new voice of British industry — BizUK is one bandied around. Such a good name, so buzzy, so now. That’s where we want to be, with the voice for the 21st century business. A new organisation with actual business leaders, a “don’t molest the staff” policy and large corporate affairs budgets. I know a few of those working on this.

WhatsApp to Stephen: Exactly. If we can make this work we’ll have an in with every important business and trade group.



Sir Peter,

Very good to see you the other day. We’re stoked about the new grouping. It’s the most exciting development in business lobbying since the corporate credit card. I’d be very keen to work with you on this. I’ve got a few preliminary thoughts for a campaign. Firstly, we need to stop the slow dribble of stories, sign up key players in secret and launch in a blaze of publicity so we kill off the CBI with the first blow. The message is the CBI is over. It’s toxic, badly run and has no clout. By contrast, you are the European Super League of business, taken seriously in the corridors of power. Well maybe not the “European” super league — in fact let’s not mention Europe at all. But it’s got all the big teams.

Best, Rutherford

“If you don’t understand the wave, you can’t respect it. And if you don’t have respect for a wave, it’s only a matter of time before the ocean teaches you some.”

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Oh I see. Well thank you for letting me know. Good luck with the plan

Best, Rutherford

“If you don’t understand the wave . . . 

Find me on Strava . . . 

WhatsApp to Stephen: Disaster. They’ve already signed up IPW Strategy to run their comms. There’s only one thing for it.

WhatsApp to Rain-NewtonSmith: Rain, good to touch base. This is a matter of principle for me. More than ever, business needs the CBI. It needs its most powerful voice at the top table, not lots of little groups being played off against each other by politicians.



As promised my first thoughts on the fightback. Loved the FT interview, floating the name change. What is a confederation, anyway? Is it better than a federation or worse?

Point one. People are writing off the CBI too soon. We’ve got the regional infrastructure, the research arms and contacts. You led the fight on childcare. This new crowd are just a handful of FTSE 100 types with only their narrow interest at heart and who can see ministers whenever they like. You are there for everyone. They are the European Super League, they don’t care about smaller clubs and trade groups. More important, we can’t have the government telling business who can speak for it.

But we do need a real operation before your EGM. We need to get round the regional members, the smaller businesses, the less glam trade bodies — all the ones that look forward to putting on black tie for the President’s dinners and aren’t going to be meeting the chancellor any other way. We need to stop the desertions and get them backing your reform plan at that EGM. We’ll play up the fact that you are the only org that speaks for all of business and all of the country. But we do need to pull a couple of big names just to silence the media.

And what kind of name is BizUK anyway? Sounds like a kids’ show on the BBC. Business needs a serious voice, not some joke name dreamt up by brand consultants.

Best, Rutherford

“If you don’t understand the wave . . . 

Find me on Strava . . . 

WhatsApp to Stephen: OK we’re in. So this had better work. How are our brand guys doing with a new name? Tell them to keep it classy.

Messages recovered by Robert Shrimsley

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