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Messages from the archive of Rutherford Hall, critical communications strategist

From: Rutherford@monkwellstrategy.com 

To: Board@OpenAI.com

Guys, guys, guys, we really should not be starting from here. Ordinarily you call me in before you fire the charismatic founder who is idolised by your investors. That way I can say things like “don’t”. Or “let’s work up a communications strategy that might erode public and investor confidence in Sam Altman so we have at least a chance of persuading people there might be a good reason”. 

We could look at whether there is any personal behaviour we can use as justification or, failing that, some dark secret we might be able to hint at even though we don’t have any evidence to back it up. A skilled comms team would quietly brief a few favoured journalists that there is “more to come out here”. This would persuade them to hedge their bets when reporting this. “Lack of candour” isn’t good enough. Frankly it would get you hired in my business.

Also I might add that elliptical announcements that don’t actually tell anyone why this has happened are not your friend in these situations.

The priority now is to get our message out. Why Sam had to go. The thing in your favour is that, as a not-for-profit board overseeing the commercial arm, you are basically the Committee for Public Safety. If we can show his vaulting ambition threatened humanity we can still turn this round but speed is of the essence. I’m not sure setting up a separate business to move into the chip market sounds that bad? Who among us hasn’t set up a multibillion-dollar side hustle? We really need to show he wanted to build terminators or sell your technology to the North Koreans, something like that. And Microsoft needed to know his foolish ambitions would get the company aggressively regulated.

Please get back to me on that ASAP. Rutherford.

Find me on Strava, KoM Sydenham Hill, PR London to Brighton 3h 17m

From: Rutherford@monkwellstrategy.com 

To: Board@OpenAI.com

I’m sorry I literally don’t understand a word of that. I don’t know what Foom means. Is it bad? You’ve got the chief scientist onside so can you get him out there? At some point soon people will start signing the letter of support threatening to quit as a hedge in case Sam comes back. Things are now so bad we are all referring to Sam as “Sam”. Normally you need a name like Elon to be talked of that way. Even Larry Page was only Larry because it was always Sergey and Larry.

And what did you expect from the investors? What do you think venture capitalists are in this for? The good of humanity? A childlike fascination with technology? On the upside I think we have discovered the critical flaw in OpenAI’s split mission and corporate structure. It seems we left the safety of humanity in the hands of a group of people who can’t even compose a decent press release. Rutherford

Find me on Strava . . . 

WhatsApp to OpenAI Board: I just got a message that the chief scientist has left this group. Also that Sam has joined Microsoft. The Doomsday clock is ticking here guys.

WhatsApp to OpenAI Board: What do you mean the chief scientist has signed a letter from staff demanding Sam’s return? Have you reached out to staff to explain why this move was necessary?

WhatsApp to OpenAI Board: So basically all the staff have now signed the letter. Remember that scene in 2001 where the computer decides it needs to kill the astronauts? If you can’t protect yourself from humans how are you going to outwit an artificial intelligence? 

WhatsApp to OpenAI Board: What! You can’t announce you’ve brought him back without getting some conditions or acknowledgment of your concerns.

WhatsApp to OpenAI Board: I see. Well the only comms advice I can offer then is to see if ChatGPT is any good at letters of resignation.

WhatsApp to OpenAI Board: Is anyone left on this group? 

From: Rutherford@monkwellstrategy.com 

To: Bret@OpenAI.com

Bret, congratulations. It’s clear you are going to be the new broom that was needed. BTW, love your spelling of Bret — we should be able to get you on a first-name basis in no time. Great move on the board changes. It’s essential OpenAI is better at talking to key stakeholders so getting Larry Summers, one of the world’s great empaths, on to the board was a stroke of genius. Obviously you needed some changes but I am worried about the optics of the gender balance. If you are safeguarding humanity it might be good to have at least one representative of 50 per cent of it.

Best Rutherford

Find me on Strava . . . 

WhatsApp to GPT: When can you take over? 

Messages recovered by Robert Shrimsley

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